Time and my concept of it is being challenged. Mondays turn to Sundays and Decembers turn to March. A craving for regularity and structure has been churning in my belly and confusion rules over all. My time splits occur traveling between LA and Santa Barbara, all my belongings stowed in my 1996 beater Volvo. Friends love to invite me into their homes and welcome me with open arms and hearts yet my unease will not ease. Normality, rigidity, and consitency are concepts I'm unfamiliar with. The thought of picking one, only one goal to devote my all to appears nearly impossible somedays. What's up with that?
Sampling life has become second nature to me so I don't know what comes first. Tasting a bit of flight school, excelling at bartending, rocking out on motor bikes, falling in love with yoga, hating school, loving school, apprenticing, cooking, gardening, volunteering, circus school, Thai massage, worldly extravaganzas, and meetings with the best of the best... when will the madness end. Experience is one thing but when my head spins from moving so quickly I wonder who's making my decisions. Crazy? I take that as a compliment most days.
Because economic funks seem to be infiltrating our entire society, it's inevitable to feel the buzz of a money crunch.