Thursday, July 23, 2009

Kiddy Yoga In Ubud

The kids wait for me. Maybe it's more like they play until I arrive. Regardless, every Sunday I walk through the temple doors at Arma Museum & Resort and past the garden gargoyles feeling quite serendipitous knowing how many smiles await me.

YOGA time ya'll.

This weird concept of YOGA and the many unique gifts the practice brings to the table unties people, kids, adults, colors, and sizes in a manner nothing else possibly could.

We gather in a circle, hold hands and raise them to the matahari (sun) then exhale forward bowing to the awesomeness in ourselves and to the people we love. Breath.

Making our way into down dog, Wellie, the local mut pup decides to sit in the middle of our circle. We walk on hands and feet towards her, half barking, half giggling. There's maybe 30 of us.

Moving on - cat, cow, cat, cow. Meow, moo, meow.

Inhale. Exhale. (Tarik napas. Buang napas.)

We move together and when one kid tumbles the others lend a hand.

The girls donning their ceremonial sarongs try tree pose, yanking the sarong above the knee with subtle determination and fearless lack of ambivolence.

Behind us the river flows. In front, incense burn from temple stones.

We sit. A circle of smiles.


Mmmm. Sundays.