Monday, March 9, 2009

I Met The Walrus

According to me, I've just witnessed perfection of inspiration.

"In 1969, 14-year-old Beatles fan Jerry Levitan tracked his idol, John Lennon, from a Toronto airport to his room at the King Edward Hotel. Inside, he convinced Lennon to do an impromptu interview. Thirty-eight years later, Levitan teamed with director Josh Raskin to create and edit a five-minute short film entitled 'I Met the Walrus' based on the interview. Amazing, right?" (Paste Magazine)

More to come...

I Met The Walrus

1 comment:

  1. Emily Emily Emily, as if I didn't think we were connected enough already...I literally just cried a couple of tears of joy and amusement at the fact that you posted this. It's brilliant!


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