Monday, December 22, 2008

Damn Crazy Monkey In My Head

There are few who are excluded from freakishly fast, racing monkey thoughts. I mean, come on... blue cheese on crackers sound delicious and oh, the sky is blue too and this cheese is made from a goat which wasprobably harmed in the process which I saw a documentary on Monday night through PBS... they have cartoons in spanish and I 've been wanting to learn since the world is now a big melting pot and pot is being sold in LA vending leave the 8 extra letters out on wtf I mean who started abreviating english into jibberish and is jibberish a word derived from Judism or is a word created through our experiences because eskimos have like more than 100 words for snow and I don't...but I've never been to Alaska, maybe I can catch a flight... wait, why do that when Portland is already snowed in and I can make words up here in my new city that I drove to from Tucson in a rampage because my mom is crazy and I'm it hereditary... crazynness... no that's totally just her and she always tells me to stop using the terms, "totally, wanna, gonna, gotta, haveta, like, and whatever" but I don't listen because I think she's crazy and I face planted in the snow yesterday walking 25 blocks in a blizard after my bus broke down and kinda missed my mom but she's still crazy but my cell is ringing maybe I should grab that...

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