Thursday, December 25, 2008

Where The Hell Is Matt? Here he is!

Matty, Matt, Matt. He dances like Jiminy Cricket, wears wrinkled khaki shorts, and has danced in over 100 countries with the lovey locals. Before his fame for his travel dancing internet video, Where The Hell Is Matt?, he developed video games in LA, CA and Brisbane, Australia for X-Box. X-Box wanted to develop video games with pimps, pistols, bombs, theft, and prostitutes and Matt said buh-bye.

Matt grabbed what money he had saved and decided to travel the world until the money was no more. A buddy in Hanoi sparked an ideas which is now a phenomenon. He asked Matt if he could record Matt dancing his "Matt dance." Well, he did dance and he did put it on the internet. His prelude to fame is this, "That guy who dances on the internet. No, not that guy. The other one. No, not him either. I'll send you the link. It's funny."

Strident gum
sponsored him to dance around the world. The first year he danced only in front of the world's greatest landmarks, monuments, and natural phenomenons. The response from around the globe was so overwhelming he went back to Stride, showed them the 1,000s of e-mails he had received, and asked if they would sponsor him again... this time he would dance with people. Ask and you shall receive.

Matt is cool. Over 14 million people have downloaded his video. E-mail him hello, watch his videos, support his ideas because he is all for travel and bringing communities together... to dance!

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