Monday, December 22, 2008

Portland, Oregon Weather Warrior Woman

Hi Portland,

As I look outside my window I see my car with Arizona plate deep in 1.5 ft of snow, public transit has shut down, and Portland is being served it's, "most extreme winter weather in 50 years." I have yet to grab some kid and slide down the hills of Mt. Tabor, the beautiful park I live at the base of.

Check this out...

I hopped a bus to a dinner party Saturday night and on the ride the weather turned into a monstrous beast. The bus in front busted it's snow chains, and my weary bus driver informed us passengers he needed to ‘remove himself from the bus' and did just that. This was my first experience with the well respected public transit here in Portland and I realized it was quite an unusual day for the city.
The bus driver calmed himself eventually and resumed driving closer and closer to my stop, inch by inch.
I said thanks and take care of yourself to him while hopping of at my stop only to have him as a driver again 6 hours later after my dinner party in even worse conditions! His eyes were sunk in, his face was pale, and only one other weather warrior other than myself was on the bus. Then... the bus breaks.

On my 25 block walk home in a blizzard, I thought, among many, many thoughts, of the flip-side to my situation. My conclusion was, the best part of my situation granted me the privilege of sharing with others how, "I walked 25 blocks in Portland's worst blizzard during the United States recession in 2008." Sounds slightly gripping and inspiring, right? If not, please let me know so I don't make an ass of myself again.

Happy Holidays!

Here is how crazy the situation is and although this is a 'classic' video from a few years ago, it perfect for the occasion!:


  1. Those slick roads and deep snow were the reasons we stayed tucked-in and housebound in Columbia City while we were visiting last week. The kids were snowboarding and tubing down the street outside the house.

    That's a classic video clip!

  2. "Classic" as in "a couple years ago, and in Seattle not Portland"...

  3. What a joke, are these people all f*ckin' morons? They stand around watching bumper cars, no one waves anyone off or puts out a friggin' warning of any kind?

    This is a put on, not a video of a real event.


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