Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Vocabulary Inspiration

Flippin' A, is an expression I'm known to use when frustrated. ;) Today, I decided to discontinue my use of the term considering it holds no meaning, at all. The root of my habit probably grows from my mom scolding me, "No f-word!" Lo and behold, I only use the "f-word" in her absence... which is common seeing as how I move quicker than the wind blows. Point being, today I challenge you to contemplate your choice of words. Juice up your vocabulary. Be slickly sly about it, not presumptuous. Expand your vocabulary to express yourself not to impress yourself.

Delectable words to use today and always:

Elusive: Difficult to define or describe: "Failures are more finely etched in our minds than triumphs, and success is an elusive, if not mythic, goal in our demanding society" Hugh Drummond.

Infatuate: To make foolish; to affect with folly; to weaken the intellectual powers of, or to deprive of sound judgment.

Inspire: To affect, guide, or arouse by divine influence.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Emily, you inspire me to eradicate my infatuation with such language. Perhaps the banality of life and the elusiveness of happiness truly lies in the maladies of the current and common threads of communication. Alas, I will, with honor, remember and regard your silence every time I utter those frightfully negative yet wonderfully satisfying words..."Flippin' A!"


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